Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Medieval and Renaissance Sword History

The term "sword" sweord comes from the old English word "." Conditions for this weapon are also Old High German, Middle Dutch, Old Norse, Old Saxon, and other ancient languages. Of course, the sword was part of the culture and society at the beginning thousands of years ago. In fact, the first blade weapons are likely to originate in the Bronze Age. Although technically a sword is a double-edged sword, some long single-edged weapon, they may also like swords, simply because thoseLength.

Were from the Iron Age swords were developed in Europe. The Hittites, the Mycenaean Greeks and other ancient cultures from the 13 to 8 Century BC are known iron swords were at their disposal. Iron swords were slightly better in terms of strength and hardness when compared to the earlier bronze swords, but still prone to bend in the battle. Both the Greek and Roman Empire had stockpiles of iron swords.

The medieval sword development began with the Roman"Spantha." The long sword should be ineffective against armor, though comparatively few arms in the Roman period. Sword Construction in the Middle Ages several craftsmen involved, such as the forger of the blade, the polishing machine, and the person who built the handle of the sword. Because metal chemistry was not well understood, at this time swords vary in quality.

Around the tenth century, the use of hardened steel was correctly much more frequently, andBlades achieved a consistently high quality. Developed Damascus steel, the Indian subcontinent is already in the 5th Century BC, was highly valued for its properties and high quality. Blades with this steel have been known for a very hard cutting edge. From about 1300 to 1500 this type of steel has been very popular for weapons. Other sword manufacturing techniques were brought to Europe. Scandinavian Vikings imported carbon steel, a very strongMetal for the manufacture of swords.

The sword was developed by the Spantha in conjunction with new fighting techniques and new armor styles. In the fourteenth and fifteenth century saw not only weapons but also swords, big improvements. Blades has been much longer, and could be used with two hands. This new type of sword was known as a long sword, and it is often measured four feet or even longer. Its extreme reach and improved cutting ability is very useful in combat. The gripsometimes wrapped with animal hide for a better grip and make it harder for opponents to knock it out of the hands of the user. Survive from the thirteenth to the sixteenth century, many manuscripts are looking for long sword fighting techniques and offers extensive information on their use. Other swords beside the long sword was also important, including the Estoc. The Estoc sword was known for his armor piercing capabilities and is designed with a very sharp tip. It was almost blunt, so thatit useless for slashing movements, and was meant only for pushing through the armor. Swords has been longer and harder during that period.

If the medieval swords, renaissance swords were compared to smaller, thinner and shorter. The extra-long swords of the past centuries were not good for close combat. Since the metal industry grew, new technology allows for thinner and light swords swords. During the modern era, fell sword in military significance, although it is developedinto civilian handguns. See the short sword, much shorter than the swords in earlier centuries, became a fashion accessory in Europe until the seventeenth century. The small sword and the rapier remained duel swords in the middle of the 18th Century popular.

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