Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Silver Bangle Bracelets and Ancient Passion

I have many necklaces, pendants, earrings, rings and brooches, which are proliferating as birthday or Christmas presents in the role of people who do not do too well continue, but they eventually live in a jewelry box that opens only infrequently while the bangles and bracelets are an active social life, and seldom have time to rest in a box.

The reason for the bracelets, which is such an active life that I have found that they needed only jewelry (except for some silver earrings) are also important formost formal events. Perhaps it is because I am Spanish and more talk with his hands over his mouth, but there is another reason why bracelets so appealing. They are intended as one of the oldest forms of jewelry, first made of bone and wood and later of brass, copper and iron, making them a key element of our human evolution and our need to express our individuality of expression.

Silver bracelets, to appear more so than other jewelry such a way to express ourselves, perhaps because they ring the bellor rattle, perhaps because they shimmer and dance with us arm and hand movements, or perhaps because they can be worn, and the arm to improve the female form in a seductive manner. Silver bracelets, bangles and anklets may be a simple way to ensure that our tribal unbridled passions have a tiny little plug the midst of modern society, where the control of inner passions is the way to promote acceptance and success.

Few of us have the luxury of adorning ourselves and dance with abandonTo drum fires, or part of rituals of the Celtic Beltane or Beltaine fire, but we may from time to time with the silver bracelets, bangles, bracelets and anklets adorning that our ancestors have so graciously left us as inheritance.

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